Risk Management

It is the responsibility of the Risk Manager for NDMHA to be the "Conscience" of our Association.  The goal is to remind people to make decisions and take actions that reflect good common sense and to recognize the necessity to provide a safe environment for the participants within the rules and regulations (authority) of North Delta Minor Hockey, B.C. Hockey and Hockey Canada.

A risk manager wants to always ensure that our Association provides fairness, responsibility, and safety in the operation of hockey within our community.

Feel free to contact me anytime if you have any questions or concerns regarding risk management within North Delta Minor Hockey.

Jean-Denis Brochu
Tel: 778.512.7379
Email: riskmanager@ndhockey.com

Information related to risk management is available under the following pages:

  • Player health and safety: rules and resources meant to keep our players safe and healthy on and off the ice
  • Sportsmanship: resources for parents and spectators to promote the enjoyment and satisfaction of hockey for all participants and volunteers
  • Volunteering: information on who to contact to volunteer and our requirements
  • Injuries and Concussion Reporting: information on how to report incidents on the ice, and how to safely return to play after an incident
  • HCSP: information on the Hockey Canada Safety Program and resources for volunteers taking on the Safety Person role.


Helpful Links and Safety Information

Tools for HCSP's

BC Hockey Risk Management page where you will find the latest risk management newsletters, bulletins and articles of interest

BC Hockey Injury Log

Emergency Action Plan

Hockey Canada Injury Reports are to be filled in completely by The parents, Team Official, Doctor and then submitted directly to Hockey Canada and keep a copy for yourself. Email the riskmanager@ndhcockey.com to advise of this incident.

General Information

Yellow Card - ND Hockey and other Hockey Associations are being vigilant to insure the safety and freedom from abuse of all officials, coaching staff and players.  Read more.

Concussion Awareness Card (CATT)

Hockey Rink Etiquette for Parents