Rep Hockey

  • Rep try-outs begin Aug 24th. Please see the final schedule for Rep try-outs and U11 Pathways, grouping for this schedule is to be confirmed and will be released asap. U11 Rep try-outs schedule is still TBD and will not occur until after Pathways sessions are completed.
  • Representative Hockey is available to U11, U13, U15 and U18 male and female players.
  • The philosophy of the NDMHA Representative League is to establish and maintain representative team opportunities of higher level and sustained competition for those players demonstrating above average levels of skill, ability and attitude using a fair process of evaluations.
  • All participants are expected to put in extra time for training, practicing and playing games. There are additional expenses for travel, tournaments, additional practice times, dryland training, team clothing and other miscellaneous expenses.
  • Consideration must be given to the extra expenses and time when making the commitment to play on a representative team.


This outlines the NDMHA Representative tryout process and is meant to give additional information to the formal competitive stream selection process outlined HERE.

Rep tryouts will begin late August and continue through until mid-September when the final cuts are made from A1 to A2, followed roughly a week later by the final A2 cuts.  The timing may be a delayed for U11 due to the Pathways intro required by Hockey Canada.

The tryout process begins with one on-ice Skills Testing session followed by three independently evaluated game/practice sessions. NDMHA will be using TeamGenius to help accurately assess each players skill level. This ensures that every player is given an equal opportunity to be evaluated accurately.  The assessments will be performed by a team of experienced high level coaches overseen by our Director of Hockey Operations (DOHO), Chris Burns.

The skills testing information is first used to make as even as teams as possible for intra-squad scrimmage games. Later in the evaluation process this information can be used to help differentiate between players. First and foremost, the independent game evaluations will carry the most weight. If players are rated very closely then the skill testing information can be used to help separate the players.

Players will be put through a variety of drills to test their speed and agility with and without a puck. The tests that will be done will vary depending on each age group.

How skill drills will work

The players will be provided with a demonstration of each drill. Players are required to pay attention and watch to ensure that they understand the drill.

Players must complete the drills appropriately, and this includes going around each cone completely etc. When players perform the drills with pucks, the pucks must go around each cone.

The coach has full discretion to make a player do the drill again. In the event that a coach makes a player complete the drill again the decision is final.

If a player falls, they will be given a second chance to complete the drill again. If a player falls during their second attempt they must get up and finish the drill as they will not receive a third attempt.

As players complete the drills outlined for their specific age group level and their overall scores will be added up, and players will be ranked by their overall scores.

Scrimmage Games

The players will be divided into balanced teams based on the scores from the skills session(s).  Each player will get an equal amount of games.  There will be safety personnel on the benches but are NOT there to coach the teams.  Players will be expected to change lines on their own.

Assessment teams will be watching for balanced shift lengths, offensive/defensive capabilities, game sense, work ethic and team work.   Many a player has earned a spot on a rep team by hustling harder than anyone else on the ice.  This is an opportunity for your player to show off what they can do.

Taking a shift off, not back checking, or not battling for the puck may cost a player a spot they otherwise had the skill to earn.

Team formation process

The Evaluation Committee numbers will determine the placement of the players. The RepA1/A2 Coach will have input on the process, The process will be facilitated by the 1st Vice President to ensure full discussion of all relevant information.

The Evaluation Committee and Head Coach may take into consideration other factors including, but not limited to, attitude, prior history such as penalties, suspensions, and attendance or any other factor deemed by them to affect the ability of the player to play on the team.

At the end of the evaluation skates the players will be placed in either the A1, A2 camp. The remaining unassigned players will be placed in the C Division.


U13 and below
All camp assignments and releases for U13 and below will be communicated through an email to each parent. The email will communicate the next ice time and the result.

U15 and above
All camp assignments for U15 and above will be communicated through an email to each parent. The email will communicate the next ice time and the result.

All releases from camps for U15 and above, will be completed through a meeting process whereby each individual player will be given the results. Each player shall be given an identical envelope containing next ice time and result (A1 Camp, A2 Camp or C Division). The Player will be asked not to discuss their selection until they arrive at their home. It will be important to stress the positive attributes (i.e. specific skills, attitude, leadership qualities, etc.) as well as those weaknesses that need to be addressed. This approach should be conducted in a supportive, nurturing and dignified manner).

All players U15 and above will be given the courtesy and respect of being told on a personal basis by the Rep A1 or A2 Coach and Division Manager. The only exception will be if a Player misses or is absent on a release date, a written report will be made to the responsible Vice President of the Division.